
Thought leadership pieces from knowledgeable members of Team Transparity.

This blog post explores the benefits of moving to Azure AD B2C as your identity platform and how it can streamline your identity management processes.

BYOD or Bring Your Own Device can leave significant gaps and vulnerabilities in your security, here's how to stay secure.

What is Azure Virtual Desktop? Previously known as Windows Virtual Desktop, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) is a Desktop and App

Recent research brought to light a security risk within Azure Functions storage accounts with key-based access, so here we explore how to configure Azure Functions with managed identity for storage access.

MFA push bombing is on the rise, using social engineering to attack and infiltrate systems. Here's how it works and what you can do about it.

Multifactor Authentication is essential to your cybersecurity. Here are three reasons you should start using MFA to protect your business.

Transparity has guided a number of projects successfully through the GDS service assessment pathway - taking services from proposal, through alpha and beta assessments, and on towards delivery and production. We have much knowledge, experience and expertise to share.

In this blog we take a look at what factors to consider when building a cloud-native application. Such as resiliency, scalability and security.

For many, the worlds of BI consulting and data analytics are the same. Both help inform vital business decisions, and both use tools and techniques to help the flow of reliable and high-quality data throughout an enterprise.

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