Public Sector

Providing the UK’s most valuable services to us all, Public Sector organisations provide essential healthcare, education, emergency services, and so much more. However, the Public Sector has always been under pressure to make money go further, showing the taxpayer how your hard work funds important projects and services.

Transparity work with a variety of Public Sector organisations to ensure that your investment in the Microsoft Cloud offers exceptional ROI by improving security, communications, processes and collaboration. The result is more time and money to dedicate towards running our great nation.

How we help Public Sector organisations

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Replace legacy technology

Eliminate old, expensive and unsupported technology in favour of Microsoft Cloud solutions, adhering to the government's "Cloud First" policy whilst streamlining processes and saving money.


Encourage tech adoption

Gain user buy in by enabling them with the skills and knowledge they need from the start. Transparity TAP is a learning portal that helps users to develop skills at their own pace.

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More frontline services funding

Consolidating your systems from multiple vendors will reduce licensing and running costs. You'll free up valuable funds that can then be diverted to the services that support citizens and service users.

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Secure your environment

Data breaches and cyberattacks can be devastating for a Public Sector organisation. Microsoft Cloud Security solutions will protect sensitive data and systems.

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Attract Millennials

Millennials make up approximately 35% of the global workforce. Attract and retain the best in young talent by offering the latest digital tools and flexible working.

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Gain a trusted partner

With Public Sector customers including local government bodies, emergency services and NHS Trusts, Transparity have in-depth knowledge into the challenges faced by your sector.

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